Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy(?) New Year

So today was COLD COLD COLD! I froze my butt off doing chores today. Yesterday was even worse! I've spent a lot of time using the shovel (to break the 3" of ice covering the trough which is the only source of water I have right now), my boot (to kick buckets, haha, to try to dislodge the ice stuck to the sides so that I can TRY to give the horses actual water instead of popcicles) and the garden spade (to chip away the ice and frozen dirt that froze the exterior stall doors closed...was worried I wasn't going to be able to get a couple of the horses out!

Tango's beet pulp has frozen in the bucket, so for now he'll have to settle for Strategy and Rice Bran. I'm sure he'll survive:) I also threw an extra blanket on him yesterday, but that doesn't stop him from sticking his nose to the fence and freezing to it, thus tearing skin off. Retard. The entire barn is made of metal, so is the fencing--so he has a lot of metallic surfaces on which to get stuck. Here is hoping he has learned his lesson.

So after doing all of that and being completely exhausted (both from the cold, and the extra work that the ice made for me) I was on my way home when I drove past a farm that I drive by every day. During the wind storm we had a few weeks ago a tree fell on their fence. The fence is down and hasn't been put back up. Anyhow, I drive past and see a nice chestnut horse in a brand new Weatherbeeta running the fence line in the frozen glittering snow...."Oh, pretty!" wait...did I see that right? Was there no fence along that fence line he was running? I drive a tiny bit further, turn around and go back. Sure enough, there is no fence and the horse has finally just realized the same thing. He is JUST getting ready to jump the ditch when I screech to a stop, jump out of my car (running, with a key in it, in the middle of the road mind you) and run across the street and shoo him back toward the pastures WITH fences. I get him sort of trapped and keep shooing him away from the downed fence line. Then I stand there thinking...Now what? I hear a faint voice beyond the treeline (where the arena is) and I yell out "Hey! Anyone down there?" wait a minute, and hear more chatter. "Hey, HELLO! You have a loose horse up here!". Finally someone yells "Hey -____ theres a horse loose up by the road." "Which one?" "Buddy (or whatever his name was), there used to be a fence up there but it's not there anymore." "Oh." (Really? Is right now a time for conversation? WHO CARES what horse--go get a dang halter!) Someone is walking around down by the barn taking their sweet time, goes in, gets a halter, waaaalks up the hill. Undoes both strands of hot tape, walks up to the horse and halters him. (way to take your time, jerk...I have places to be, and how do they know he isn't running around loose still about to get in the road...) So I say, uh, "Good thing he was smart enough not to run in the road" I get "Yeah, thanks." and all I can think is "Yeah...your welcome for saving your horse, and your farm from being sued by a driver who may have hit him". Jeez. I thought that would be my excitement for the day. Nope no such luck. I begin my NYE celebration (about 9pm) and then get a text from the BO (and friend) to let me know that the horses hadn't been fed yet, because she had to take her baby girl in to urgent care because she was having trouble breathing. I text her and tell her not to worry, they'll be OK till she gets home. About 11:30pm I get another text, that is there any way I can head out to feed and water--the baby is not doing well and they were heading to Childrens because she was in respiratory distress. Turns out she has the Croup but also had a cyst in her throat nearly constricting her entire airway. Poor thing! So my awesome friend Melissa and I head out to Covington to feed and water horses in 15* weather at 12:30am NYE. FUN! Please pray for a fast recovery for little Laken--she had surgery to remove the cyst, but she is only 1 and has a lot of recovering to do, poor thing!

So that was my New Years--how was yours? (and of course, a few customary photos of the Lish for your viewing entertainment)

Tango and icky play through the fence--they love to bite/lick/gnaw/slime and otherwise deface eachother. Literally.

Tango playing kite horse on the longe line.

Me and Tang having some sort of discussion, isn't that always the case with us? LOL.

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