Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tango Goes Riding!

So I know it's been awhile since I last updated, but I have been BUSY!

I have made it a goal to get Tango longed at least once a week, which also forces me to spend quality time, working on ground manners and grooming him as well. I hope that as the weather gets nicer I'll be able to do so more often.

So my friend Coral came out to cheer me on and give me some confidence to get on my boy. I longed him and he was really good, none of his kite-horse antics today! He was also really goofy while he was standing with me waiting for Coral to take some pics.

Coral got on him first because he tends to test for the first few minutes, and gets better toward the end. When she got off she said "OK, your turn!". I was a little caught off guard so I told her fine, but I'm only walking. She held him for me while I got on and I walked him off, anticipating him being a butthead. Amazing, he walked right off. Didn't feel like a ball of energy, and no tail swishing or stomping like he usually does when he is agitated.

It felt so good in fact, that I ponied up and went ahead and asked him to jog. Coral said "I thought you were only going to walk!" I said "Well, I decided to jog too!" :)She told me I should lope him but I decided to end on a good note since my confidence was so high! So I hopped off, gave him some carrots and called it a day:)

I hope to get on again this weekend, with similar results. I'll let you know:)

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