Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Year of Nothing

So I was updating my other blog here (Ellie's Road to Recovery) and realized how badly I've neglected Tango's blog. So I figured I'd get it up to speed, and start updating it regularly again.

So since the last post, I suddenly became a total wimp about riding. I put Tango in part time training with Lindsey and started taking lessons on her "steady eddie" dressage horse Rudy. After getting to a point where I was broke, and still too much of a wimp to ride my own horse, I decided it best to lease him out to someone who would use him over the Summer. (see pic to left of us dropping him off, and yes, I was crying lol).

I leased him out to a wonderful gal named Jessica who just absolutely adored Tango. She thought he was great, weird faces, licking, destructive behavior and all. And so my friends Kat and Melissa and I took a road trip to Spokane to drop Tango off....thats right. Spokane. Six hours away from me. He traveled well and we had a fun road trip, where we encountered all sorts of weather and I got some wonderful photos!

He stayed with Jessica for six months, where he learned to be a horse, including living in a pasture, taking road/trail rides, and just basically being spoiled. She taught him to jump, and had a neat photo shoot with her friend who was a photographer They did very well together, but eventually Jessica got too attached and wanted to buy him. She and I worked out a tentative deal, but when all was said and done, her finances were just too up in the air to commit to a purchase.

And soo....Tango is home!:) He came home a couple of weeks ago and it has been very nice to have him around again. I haven't ridden since he got home due to terrible weather, and the arena not being finished, but he is happy living at my friend Jen's place and making friends with her horses, and eating:) Here is a pic of him during our recent snow, trying to figure out what the deal is!

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