Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Missed You Mama!

So I have been gone for a week on vacation, and for the two days prior to my trip we were slammed with a snow/ice storm. I have missed my pony and couldn't wait to go see him this morning. I knew he probably didn't even notice I was gone thanks to the wonderful care of my friend Jennifer who cares for him, but I sort of secretly hoped he would be happy to see me.

Let me tell you how nice it felt when I walked up to the barn and he turned his head to me, perked his ears and nickered. And then I said "Hi Lishy, did you miss me?" and he nickered again. And did that cute whuffling thing horses do when they want to talk but are being too lazy (you know, when you can see they are still talking, but can't hear anything?). I know, he just thought I was coming to feed him, but alas, he'd already been fed and watered that morning, and so he really truly WAS just happy to see me.

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