Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tango: The Swamp Thing

My life with Tango is not very blogworthy right now. I don't have a place to ride, and since I am concentrating on Ellie right now, I don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like.

That said, I'd like to discuss why I've kept him despite my doubts about our future together. I know this horse inside and out. I know exactly how he will react in every situation. I know he won't kick me if I bump into him while cleaning his stall, or stick him with the pitchfork on accident. I know that he will stand tied, for hours if necessary. I know he'll pretty much hop ON a trailer, but he gets nervous if you ask him to back out. I know he gets a little snorty at new places, but after a few walks/longes in the arena and he is fine. I know I can touch him anywhere and he won't get pissy. I know when I take him on a walk, it's best to have a stud chain.

He is my pony and I love him, and even if I could never ride him again, I don't think I could bring myself to sell him. Especially when he banishes himself to the pouring rain so that I can clean his stall, and then stares in the stall at me longingly, dripping wet like it was *MY* idea for him to go out and stand there. Doofus:)

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